Work from Home Exercise Program

1. Active thoracic mobility part 1
Sets: 1 Reps: 10 Freq: 3x per day Hold: 4 sec
Sit on a chair.
Interlock the fingers of your hands together aroundyour n eck.
Point your elbows forward.
Bend over slightly, lift the elbows, and extend the mid back.
Come back to the starting position and repeat.

2. Active thoracic mobility part 2
Sets: 1 Reps: 10 Freq: 3x per day Hold: 4 sec
Sit down on a chair.
Cross your arms over your chest and place your hands on your shoulders.
Without moving your lower back, try to extend your spine at the mid/upper back level and rotate the shoulders to one side to bring one shoulder towards the backrest of the chair.
Repeat the exercise on the same side or as directed by your therapist.

3. Active thoracic mobility part 1
Sets: 1 Reps: 10 Freq: 2x per day Hold: 2 sec
Start in half kneeling next to a wall with the leg closest to the wall in front.
Rotate the trunk toward the wall and place one hand on the wall and the other on the knee to assist the rotation.
Hold the stretch for 2 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Keep the spine tall during the stretch.

4. Banded scapular retraction
Sets: 1 Reps: 10 Freq: 2x per day Hold: 2 sec
Stand or sit with a band wrapped around your hands. Begin with your elbows bent at 90 ° and arms down against your sides””your palms will be facing each other. First, squeeze your shoulder blades together. Next, spread your hands apart and create resistance into the band. Rotate your shoulders in this motion until your hands are in line with the sides of your body. From there, keep your shoulders down while you extend at the elbows. Using a slow and controlled motion, return to the starting position by bending the elbows and by allowing your hands to return towards the midline.

5. Banded pull apart
Sets: 1 Reps: 10 Freq: 2x per day Hold: 2 sec
While holding a band with your elbows straight in front of your body, pull your arms apart and towards the side.
Once the band touches your chest, really try and squeeze the mid-back muscles to stretch the band even further. Hold for 2 seconds and slowly return to the start position.
Images provided by Physiotec
Let’s Talk: 416-486-4776
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