
Reformer Pilates

Pilates Is A Type Of Movement Therapy That Addresses Postural Imbalances, Habitual Movement Patterning, And Underlying Weaknesses And Or Tensions In The Body.

It is an effective approach for improving function in joint, muscle, and fascial systems. Pilates aims to re-educate movement through specific programming, dynamic imagery, and cueing. It is an adaptable technique and can be used for athletic conditioning and cross training, as well as injury prevention, chronic pain management, and rehabilitation.

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How Pilates Can Help?

Pilates can help people of all ages, abilities and fitness levels. It is adaptable to an individual’s specific health and movement goals. Pilates is a suitable complement to manual therapies such as Physiotherapy and Massage. It can assist with conditions such as;

  • Low back pain
  • Hip impingement syndrome
  • Tendinopathies
  • Scoliosis
  • Chronic pain
  • Post Operative Rehabilitation
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Injury prevention and recovery
  • Athletic conditioning and cross training
  • Core Stability
  • Pelvic Floor Health
  • Muscle tightness or dysfunction

Pilates at Strive

Your first session will involve a physical movement assessment to address habitual patterning, instabilities, and postural imbalances. An individualized program will be created based on your therapeutic and strength training needs. Your session will involve exercise training on the Pilates reformer, and be further supported with hands-on cueing, and personalized exercises for independent progress.  Pilates is a suitable complement to many other therapies offered at Strive, and as a team we will help you achieve your movement and health goals.

  • $125
  • 1-on-1 Reformer Pilates

  • 60 Minute Session

    HST is Extra.

Milena Roglic

Pilates Instructor

Milena began practicing Pilates in Montreal in 2001. Her interest in the method led her to acquire her certification with Polestar Pilates in 2008. Since then she has taught in various studios, health and fitness centres and corporate facilities. She has participated in workshops with distinguished instructors Brent Anderson, President and CEO of Polestar Pilates and Pilates Elder, Lolita San Miguel. Aside from continuing her Pilates education and practice, Milena is a visual artist and obtained her MFA from York University in 2014.

Learn more about Milena

Want to know if Pilates is right for you? Email Milena .