
Sports Hernia Exercise

Important Note:
These exercises were designed as a place to start to address your symptoms. These exercises should not be performed or continued if they cause or increase your pain in any way. Using these exercises for self-management of your symptoms does not replace the value of being assessed by a Health Professional.

1. IR hip stretch

Sit down on the floor on the side of your legs and center your weight.
Slowly lean your torso backward toward the back leg to stretch the rear hip in internal rotation.
Hold the position when you get a comfortable stretch.
Repeat 5 times hold each stretch for 15-20 seconds,

2. ER hip stretch

Sit down on the floor on the side of your legs and center your weight.
Slowly move your torso forward to stretch the front hip in external rotation.
Hold the position when start feeling a comfortable stretch.
Repeat 5 times hold each stretch for 15-20 seconds, 1-2x/day

3. Deadbug

Lie on your back. Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, engage your abdominals. Maintain this tension and keeping the pelvis stabilized, bring your legs at 90° one after the other and lift your arms in the air.

Under control, lower the right leg and right arm toward the floor and lift back up.

Keep the pelvis still and stabilized at all time.
Repeat with the other side.
Repeat 5 times on each side, working up to 10reps and eventually 1-2 sets of 10reps.

4. Glute bridge w/ adduction

Lay down on your back with your knees bent and a ball or pillow between them.
Squeeze the glutes and contract the abdominals to lift the hips off the ground. As you lift, squeeze the ball between the legs.

Hold for 2 seconds on top, then release as you lower.

1 set of 20 reps, daily , work up to 3x20reps
Images provided by Physiotec