
Posterior Ankle Impingement Exercises for Dancers

Important Note:
These exercises were designed as a place to start to address your symptoms. These exercises should not be performed or continued if they cause or increase your pain in any way. Using these exercises for self-management of your symptoms does not replace the value of being assessed by a Health Professional.

1. Calf Stretch

Reps: 4 Freq: Multiple times per day Hold: 20-30 seconds
Stand and place one foot against the wall.
Place the other leg behind with your heel on the ground, foot parallel to the front one and knee straight.
Keep the torso upright and push the hips forward to feel a stretch in the calf.
Hold for 20-30 seconds, repeat 4 times in a row, multiple times per day.
Stop this exercise if you get pinching in the front of the ankle, or pain/swelling that lingers afterward.

2. Flexor Hallucis Longus Stretch

Reps: 4 Freq: 1-2x/day Hold: 15 seconds
Stand in front of a wall.
Extend your toes against the wall and try to bring your knee towards the wall until you feel a gentle stretch under the foot.
You may also feel this stretch at the back of the ankle where your pain is, this is good! Just make sure you are not causing

3. Flexor Hallucis Longus Strengthening

Sets: 3 Reps: 8-12 Freq: Once per day
Wrap an elastic band underneath the big toe and hold each end with your hands.
Push down with your big toe, into the resistance of the band.
Slowly and under control, return to the starting position.
Start with 3 sets of 8 reps and work up to 3 sets of 12 reps, once per day.
Images provided by Physiotec