
Lower Body Warm Up

Important Note:
These exercises were designed as a place to start to address your symptoms. These exercises should not be performed or continued if they cause or increase your pain in any way. Using these exercises for self-management of your symptoms does not replace the value of being assessed by a Health Professional.

1. Cycling

Sets: 1 Reps: 1 Duration: 10 minutes
Perform 10 minutes of any form of cardiovascular exercise you enjoy. The goal is to raise your heart rate before beginning the mobility routine.
Calf stretch Exercise 2 part 1
Calf stretch Exercise 2 part 2

2. Reverse lunge with rotation

Sets: 1 Reps: 10 Hold: 2
Take a big step backwards. Lower your back knee to create a 90 degree angle at both knees. Rotate the trunk toward the front leg while then come back to the center. Push with your front leg to take a step back and return to a standing position.
Images provided by Physiotec