Important Note:
These exercises were designed as a place to start to address your symptoms. These exercises should not be performed or continued if they cause or increase your pain in any way. Using these exercises for self-management of your symptoms does not replace the value of being assessed by a Health Professional.

1. Posture Stretch On A Foam Roller
Sets: 1-2/day Reps: 4 Hold: 15sec
This exercise will help to stretch the chest and provide some extension to the spine.
Lay on a foam roller. Make sure your head and shoulders are supported by the roll.
Start with your arms reaching up towards the ceiling and then slowly lower into a T position.
You can bend your elbows if the stretch feels too strong or causes a slight tingling feeling.
Breath in and exhale slowly as you feel yourself stretch over the roller.
Then raise your arms back up to the ceiling and repeat but with the arms in a Y position.
Do not stretch into pain or shoulder soreness.
If your arms become uncomfortable in this position, bend your elbows.

2. Thoracic Spine Self-Mobilization On A Foam Roller
Sets: 1-2/day Reps: 10
This exercise will help you to mobilize and improve the flexibility of your upper back.
Position the foam roller perpendicular to your body and place the top of your shoulder blades on the foam roller.
Support your head with your hands and bring your elbows together as much as possible.
Lift your hips so your back is straight. Roll the foam roller towards your shoulder blades and then back downwards. Stop at a spot that feels stiff or tight and you can moveback a nd forth over it, even leaning back slightly. It should not cause sharp pain.

3. Thoracic Spine Extension On A Foam Roller
Sets: 1-2/day Reps: 4 Hold: 15sec
This exercise will help you to mobilize and improve the flexibility of your upper back.
Place your foam roller on the floor and take a kneeling four point position with your wrists on the foam roll in front of you.
Take a deep breath in, and as you breathe out roll the foam roll forward by stretching your spine and lowering your chest towards the floor. You should feel a stretch along the inside of your arms and into your mid/upper back.
Do not stretch into pain or shoulder soreness.
To increase the stretch, place 1 hand in the middle and repeat the above movements.

4. Spinal Side Stretch On A Foam Roller
Sets: 1-2/day Reps: 4 Hold: 15sec
This exercise will help you to mobilize and improve the flexibility of your spine into side bending.
Lie sideways on a foam roller.
Put your top leg back and the bottom leg forward to ensure stability.
Raise the top arm overhead and drop the bottom arm down.
Hold the stretch position and breath in and out.

5. Foam Roll Your Glutes
Freq: x3/week Hold: 1-3mins per area
This exercise will help you to improve the flexibility and release trigger points in your gluteal muscles.
Place your foam roller on the floor and sit on it having one foot over the opposite knee in a figure 4 position.
During the stretch, roll along your buttock in a front to back motion from the top of the pelvis to the bottom of the buttock of the leg with the foot on the other knee.
Maintain abs tight and proper low back posture during the exercise.

6. Hip Flexors Stretch On A Foam Roller
Sets: 1-2/set Reps: 4-6 Freq: x3/week Duration:
This exercise will help you to improve the flexibility in your hip flexor muscles.
Go into a bridge position and slide a foam roller under your hips, close to your lower back.
Bring one knee to your chest to flex the lumbar spine then relax the hips.
You should feel a stretch in front of the extended hip.
Hold the position.

7. Foam Roll Your Quadriceps
Freq: x3/week Hold: 1-3min per area
This exercise will help you to improve the flexibility and release trigger points in your quadriceps muscles.
Place your foam roller on the floor and lie on your stomach with the front of one thigh over the foam roller and the other leg on the floor for support.
Roll the entire front of the thigh from the top of the hip to the top of the knee cap in an up and down motion.
Maintain abs tight and proper low back posture during the exercise. Do not roll directly on the knee cap.

8. Foam Roll Release Of Your Quadriceps
Freq: x3/week Duration: 1-3min per area
This exercise will help you to improve the flexibility and release trigger points in your quadriceps muscles.
Lie on your stomach on the floor with a foam roller positioned just above your knee on the front of your thigh.
Once you’ve identified a tender spot in this area, flex and extend your knee with the foam roller held on the tender spot.
Continue doing this motion until you start experiencing some positive changes in the tenderness.
Next, move the foam roller up your thigh to release another tight spot that you might find on your quadriceps.

9. Foam Roll Your Adductors
Freq: x3/week Hold: 1-3min per area
This exercise will help you to improve the flexibility and release trigger points in your adductor muscles.
Place your foam roller on the floor and lie on your stomach with the inside of one thigh over the foam roller and the other leg straight on the floor for support.
Roll the entire inside of the thigh from the groin to the knee in a side to side motion.
Maintain abs tight and proper low back posture during the exercise.

10. Foam Roll Your Hamstrings
Freq: x3/week Hold: 1-3mins per area
This exercise will help you to improve the flexibility and release trigger points in your hamstring muscles.
Place your foam roller on the floor and sit on the floor holding with your hands with the back of one thigh over the foam roller and the other leg on the floor for support.
Roll the entire back of the thigh from the buttom of the buttock to the knee in an up and down motion.
Maintain abs tight and proper low back posture during the exercise.

11. Foam Roll Your IT Band
Freq: x3/week Hold: 1-3min per area
This exercise will help you to improve the flexibility and release trigger points in your iliotibial band.
Place your foam roller on the floor take a side plank position with the outside of one hip over the foam roller and the other leg in front for support.
Roll the entire outside of the leg from the pelvis to the knee in an up and down motion.
Maintain abs tight and proper low back posture during the exercise.
Point your toes up to target the hamstring muscle where it attaches to the IT band and point your toes down to target the lateral quadricep muscle.

12. Foam Roll Your Calves
Freq: x3/week Hold: 1-3mins per area
This exercise will help you to improve the flexibility and release trigger points in your calf muscles.
Place your foam roller on the floor and sit on the floor holding with your hands with the back of your calves over the foam roller.
Roll the entire back of the calfs from the knee to the ankle in an up and down motion with toes pointed up.
Maintain abs tight and proper low back posture during the exercise.