
Snapping Hip Syndrome Exercises for Dancers

Important Note:
These exercises were designed as a place to start to address your symptoms. These exercises should not be performed or continued if they cause or increase your pain in any way. Using these exercises for self-management of your symptoms does not replace the value of being assessed by a Health Professional.

1. TA Activation with Hip Flexion

Sets: 2-3 Reps: 8-10 Freq: 3x/week
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your back in a neutral position.
Take a deep breath, then engage your inner core during an exhalation with your breath.
As you breathe out, lift one knee up as shown in the picture.
Breath in, and set the leg back down slowly and under control to the starting position.
Breathe out again, lifting the opposite leg.
Breathe in and lower.
If lifting the leg causes pain or is too difficult, lift just the heel instead, with the toes remaining on the floor. Only go as far as you can without experiencing any popping in your hip.
Start with 8 repetitions, and work up to 2-3 sets of 10 reps, 3 times per week.

2. Bent Knee Fall Out

Sets: 2-3 Reps: 8-10 Freq: 3x/week

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your lower back in neutral position (slightly arched). Engage your inner core while breathing out. Maintain steady abdominal breathing while you open one leg to one side, keeping your lower back and the other leg completely still. Return to the middle and repeat with the other leg. Your pelvis should stay level throughout. If you notice your hip dropping, you are moving your knee too far into turnout for what you can control right now. Stick with smaller range of turnout to start, until you can properly control as you get stronger.

Start with 8 repetitions, and work up to 2-3 sets of 10 reps, 3 times per week.

3. Ilio-tibial Band Release

Freq: 3 days/week Duration: 1-2 min
Stand up next to a wall and place a ball on the wall against the side of your thigh.
Lean your body against the ball and roll back and forth to release the iliotibial band.
If you find a tender spot, you can hold the position as recommended for the trigger point to release, breathing throughout.
1-2 minutes per side, 3 days per week.
Images provided by Physiotec