1. ILU Massage
Sets: 1 Reps: 1 Freq: as needed
1. Start at the bottom of your left ribs. using your hands, massage downwards towards the top of your pelvis on the left side. Perform this 5-10 times before moving on. This represents the letter ‘I’.
2. Next, start at the bottom of the right side of your ribs and massage horizontally to the bottom of the left ribs and then down to the top of the left side of the pelvis. Do this 5-10 times before moving on. This represents the letter ‘L’.
3. Lastly, start at the top of your pelvis on the right hands side and massage upwards to the bottom of the right ribs, horizontally across to the bottom of the left ribs and down to the top of the left pelvis. Do this 5-10 times. This represents the letter ‘U’.